Wednesday, July 18, 2007

She can melt my heart!!

Ever since we have "lost" the paci, we have had a pretty elaborate bedtime routine. I don't know if its due to not having the paci or if Abby is getting too smart for her own good. I guess its kind of a manipulation on her part to get to stay up just a little bit longer, but its cute. She has to say goodnight and I love you to everyone in the house including the animals and even the "stinky bag". The stinky bag is my brothers hockey bag and it does stink!!! Anyway, I was putting Abby to sleep last night and after saying night-night to Grammy, the 2 cats, and Bucky I was singing her a song and setting her in her bed. As I was putting her down she said "I Yuv Mommy" without any prompting at all. My heart just melted and my eyes teared up as I put my little one down for the night. Those 3 sweet little words make all of the hard days worth it! I yuv my little girl to pieces!!


Anonymous said...

the sweetest words from the sweetest little lady...10 years later she will still melt your heart like Mikey and Ana still do,,,, and 25 years later you still melt my heart....I yuv you Cheyna

Sam said...

Thanks for the morning cry! What a sweetheart!

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