Saturday, May 12, 2007

And the countdown begins....

Andrew left for his deployment this morning. His plane left at 6am so he was out the door a little before 4am. Originally, we had planned on me and Abby driving him to the airport but thought better of that at the last minute. I am happy we didn't drive him because today has been a tough enough day...I wouldn't want to add an overtired, crabby toddler on top of everything!! The hardest part was watching him say goodbye to Abigail last night before she went to bed. I guess it is a blessing that she is so young and won't remember this. But, it still broke my heart to watch her giving her Daddy a hug and a kiss and knowing that she was going to go to sleep and wake up the next day and not be able to see him for 4 whole months! The first thing she did this morning was ask for her Daddy. I just told her he was a work and that seemed to satisfy her, but I don't know how long that will last.

I am thankful that we will be very busy the first month Andrew is gone. We leave for DC on Thursday for a wedding and then we are going straight from DC to Colorado for a little over 3 weeks. It is going to be the time we are home that is going to be the hardest. I can olny pretend he is TDY for so long! I am trying to be positive though...I have come up with a few things that I am looking forward to while Andrew is gone:

1. Less laundry
2. Making the bed will be so much easier (I don't know what that man does in his sleep but you would think he was disco dancing the way the sheets end up in the morning)
3. Less cooking (ok, ok, those of you who know me well know that Andrew is the cook in the family. But still, I dont have to even come up with what to have for dinner. I see a lot of frozen lean cuisine meals in my future!)
4. Not having to hear the snooze button go off a million times before finally kicking Andrew out of bed.
5. I only have one child to pick up after.
6. I can watch my shows without listening to Andrew make fun of them!

Well, that is about it. The good definitely doesn't even come close to outweighing the bad but I will focus on the good to get myself through. I know there are people out there that have been seperated from their loved ones for a lot longer than 4 months and I respect that. But, as someone once told me: it is all in what you are used to. And I am used to having my husband at home with me. I will miss him while he is gone and I will struggle as a "single parent" in his absence, but I will survive. I have an awesome family and wonderful friends to support me and help me out when I need it! Now that Andrew is gone I can finally start counting down the days till he comes home again. Only 125 days plus or minus a few to go!!!


Unknown said...

You are so smart to look at the positives! You know I will help however I can. You have been a great help to me!

Unknown said...

Your in my thought, Cheyna. Stay positive...stay busy. :o) It's a good time to do something like redo a room or color your hair?? hee, hee.

The Kendall Family said...

I am here for you!!! Wish I could be "there" for you!!!

Sam said...

Day or night, you know you can call or come over. Even for a big spider!

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