Friday, September 07, 2007

Birthday Extravaganza!!

Whew, what a wonderful, fun-filled day we had for Abby's birthday. While it was sad that Andrew could not be here to help us celebrate, we are lucky to have such wonderful friends that stepped in to make Abby's day special. The celebration started bright and early with presents waiting to be opened.

After we opened some presents, we headed down to Destin Commons with Sam,Nolan, Nadia and Tristan to the Build-a-Bear workshop. For those of you who live under a rock, or don't have kids, this is store where you create your own stuffed animal and "give it life". It is a pretty neat concept, but it can get pretty pricey, pretty quickly! The kids had fun though, although they were more interested in the miniature strollers they had for sale than the bears! They were having a stroller derby all around the store, the workers must have loved us!

Abby at the computer registering her new stuffed animal

Carrying her new purchase!

After Build-a-Bear we headed to Johnny Rockets for lunch, and then out to the playground/splash pad to work off some more energy. The kids had a blast playing and us girls sat in the heat and chatted for a while. We also made a stop at the fountain to make a few wishes. Abby got some wonderful presents from her friends who were more than generous! It was a very special day for Abby and for myself! I can't thank Sam and Nadia enough for spending the day with us, and for their boys Nolan and Tristan for being so sweet to Abby and letting her bask in the glory in a day all about Abby!!!

Nolan and Sam

Tristan and Nadia

"I need one more penny to make another wish!"

You would think after all the excitement Abby would have been pooped, but alas there was no nap to be had. I think I needed one worse than she did. After resting for a bit we headed back over to Sam's house because I had left my camera in her car but the celebration continued. We had a quick bite to eat, sang Happy Birthday to Abby and then let the kiddos have a little birthday dessert! Abby was more interested in the candle than the cupcake. She was dipping the candle in the frosting and licking it off. Sam and I found this to be quite amusing till I realized she was actually eating the candle!!!! Abby enjoyed her special day and she ate up all the attention she was given. Every time someone would ask her how old she was, she would reply 6! Thank you to everyone who made Abby's day special, both near and far!!!!

Abby "dipping" the candle in the frosting

Nolan enjoying his dessert

The partially eaten candle! What a goof!!


Susan said...

It looks like Abby had a very special birthday!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great pics hun. You are turning into quite the photographer! Sorry I couldnt be there for her special day:( See you REALLY SOON!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh good grief! Your killing me!! How much cuter can this girl be?!! I'm loving her! Let's trade for a week...or three.. ;o)

Unknown said...

i'm jealous i couldn't be there for my favorite girls birthday but hopefully i'll be out there soon!!!

The Kendall Family said...

Have we been to that fountain before? Wish I could have been there!

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