Sunday, August 02, 2009

Swim Lessons

Abby has been in swim lessons for most of the time we have been in Colorado. The first session was a little rough. She loved the first day, but by the last lesson I had to pretty much drag her because she was not enjoying having to put her face in the water. I decided I was going to keep putting her in lessons despite this and for some reason something just clicked and at the first lesson of the second session she was a new girl. She LOVED putting her face in the water and turned into a little fish. She sailed through the second session and is now in her third session and on the next level where they venture out into even deeper water! She loves swim lessons and is constantly asking me when she gets to go again. It has definitely been worth every penny and even worth the struggle in the beginning! I am so proud of my little fish!!


Susan said...

We are proud of her too!

Jennifer B. said...

I love watching her little legs kick! So cute ;).

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