I didn't think it would happen because we had such a WONDERFUL time at Disney, but I am all burnt out on Disney posts. I have so many other things to post about but feel I need to get this done before I can move on.
Anyway....as I stated before we spent our final day at Epcot searching for Princesses, exploring, and basically taking it easy. We did ride a few rides including the Test Track which was a lot of fun! It was sad to see our wonderful vacation come to and end, but we had a fantastic time and couldn't have asked for anything better! I can't wait to have a repeat trip in a few years when Olivia will be able to appreciate and enjoy it as well......HINT, HINT!!!! ;-)

Sipping on some wine with Olivia taking a nap in the front carrier

Ana and Mikey outside of "Italy"

My mom, Olivia's head and myself

Ana doing some gymnastics in Italy....notice the guy in the background passed out on the fountain?

Mikey and the guy passed out on the fountain. We don't know if he had a few too many beers or if he was just really tired??

Susan and Peter toasting to their 33rd wedding anniversary! Congrats!!!

My mom (gram-cracker), myself and Olivia

Grammy and Olivia