Too orangy--Abby said this in Germany when we unknowingly bought her a carbonated apple juice in the airport. I couldn't figure out what too orangy meant but after tasting the apple juice, I understood why she didn't like it! She now uses the phrase when she doesn't like the way something tastes!
Whats wrong with your legs mommy, they are too scratchy--Abby said this to me one day after trying to sit on my leg for a "horsey ride". Apparently it was time to shave my legs!
Night, night Nolan--Abby said this one night as she was going to bed. I told her to say goodnight to her Daddy and she said night, night Nolan instead and she started cracking up. She thought it was the funniest thing she had ever said and proceeded to say it to Andrew all the way up the stairs.
Probably--Abby uses this word all the time and mostly in the wrong context. For example when she wants to watch a movie, instead of asking she says "Abby watches Little Einsteins probably."
Almost--Again another frequently used word. She usually says this when I ask her to do something she doesn't want to do.
Me: Abby its time for bed
Abby: Almost
Or, Me: Abby time to come inside and eat lunch.
Abby: Almost
Rainbows- She calls her hair bows or any of the bows on her clothes rainbows.
Chocolate- She calls her sidewalk chalk, chocolate.
Chi-Chicago--On the way to Germany I told her we had to stop in Atlanta first and get on another plane. She then informed me that she does not like Atlanta and instead we would be going to Chi-Chicago.
I cry in my crib all day long--As we were driving home one day Abby let me know that she wasn't going to take a nap and instead was going to cry in her crib all day long! How is that for honesty?
Cuz--Abby tries to justify all of her actions, especially the ones that I tell her not to do. A lot of times whatever comes after cuz doesn't make sense or is nonsense but I guess she feels like she telling me her reasoning for doing whatever it is she is doing.
HA HA HA This post had me cracking up! Gotta love the kiddos! :)
So funny! I love the stuff they come up with!
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