Saturday, June 09, 2007

My little fish

Abby started the summer out terrified of the water. Now, I can't keep her out of it. She loves the wading (baby) pool and she has gotten very brave. I think she may be too brave for my taste now. There are 4 or 5 community centers here in Highlands Ranch and each one of them has different things at their pool. Today we went to the pool that has a lazy river and Abby loved going "around and around". It also had a poll that starts out very shallow and gradually gets deeper. Well, with her new found bravery she doesn't even want to hold my hand and she goes deeper and deeper. Of course I am right there behind her. I am glad she is enjoying the water now and it makes for some really good naps in the afternoon!

I didn't get any picutres from today at the big pool, I was too busy chasing my little fish around. But, here are some pictures from the other day when she was playing with her Grammy and the crocodile in the wading pool.


Anonymous said...

Why don't we have really cool pools like that around here? Abby is so precious--she looks so cute in her swimsuit.

Susan said...

We're thrilled she likes the water now! We can't wait til she comes to WI so we can take her to Noah's Ark! Love, Grammy & Poppa Vrabec

Sam said...

So precious!!! Glad you guys are having fun, miss you tons!

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